1. What is your most annoying habit?
- I usually cram at the last hour. I sometimes take some deadlines forgranted. (hayst)
2. What habit would you change of your partners? (come on no-one is perfect!) [Editor's note: Not only does it assume you have A partner, but it is written as though you have multiple ones. If you do not currently have a partner or many partners, simply tell us about your last one. BW]
- My honey is sometimes controlling. He wants his ways to be followed but i knew most of them are for my own good but im just used to a sweet guys before. In any case, i learn to compromise about this trait of him. Thats how much i love him. (wink)
3. Horrors or Chick Flicks?
-Horror. Im addicted to Paranormal Activity series. SOOOO love.
4. What is the most outrageous thing you have done in the back row of the movies?
- throwing my trash at the back of my seat...
5. When have you lied to get a job?
- i offer truth of information always. Its relevant to me
6. What one thing is on your list to do before you hit 30, 40, 50 or whatever significant birthday is next?
- Of course, getting married before hitting 30.
7. Classic or modern films and why?
- modern, its very artistic and love the flexibility
8. If you were a vampire who would be the first person you would bite?
- Maybe Ryan Seacrest..hmmm, i feel his yummy..(hehehe)
9. If you had the power to make one thing better, what would it be?
- to adopt the street children. Its not their fault why they end up that way.
10. What makes a great blog?
- a wide array of interesting topis, a detailed and simplified wordings and lots of images.
11. What was the inspiration that brought your blog to the blogosphere?
- just a simple journal at the start and maybe document my everyday life.
12. What easily ticks you off (puts you in a bad mood quickly)?
- a promise that is broken unless he/she gave me a justifiable reason. I hate making me stupid.
13. How many children do you have?
- dont have yet
14. Is there anything you have ever regretted writing on your blog?
- maybe those times i was carried away by my emotions. I regret documenting some nonsense stuff that i think is a disgrace to me. I knew every blogger should have the responsibility to be decent and kind. Now i choose not to write at all if it will just broke someone heart.
15. What’s your favorite blog post you have written this year so far?
- when my honey celebrated his birthday. I made an incredible romantic post (awesome)
16. Do you ever enter other bloggers competitions, and have you ever been lucky?
- Yes i did, i won two years ago with an amazing necklace.
17. If you could be anyone else for the day, who would you choose and why?
- i want to be MIchelle Obama. I wonder how to be a powerful woman.
18. If you could time travel to any period of history what era would you visit?
- maybe those of the 50's. I wanna know their styles in fashion
19. If you had to be genetically modified, would you rather have a third arm, a third leg, a second head or some other modification???
- im happy so far...
20. Which Disney character can you most relate to?
- Im not a fan of Disney....
Thanks for reading. I am posting this for
beautiful! I love number 9! thank you for stopping by mine!
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